The Halloween Trespassers

When I mentioned to a friend about this blog, he shared with me a few experiences that he had while he shared a house in the Central district of Seattle. The following is one of his experiences during his five-year stay.

Before living at this house, Evan was a complete skeptic when it came to the paranormal. He believed that everyone who had a ghost story was trying to get attention. Since living at the house, he has become a believer. Last I heard he had moved out several years ago.

When I asked him to tell me one of his stories, he didn’t know where to begin because he had so many experiences. Because it was October at the time I asked, he decided to start with his first encounter. You could tell from the manner in which related the story that it was genuine.

One night in October of 2009 Evan was in his bedroom when he heard someone wrapping on his window. He found it strange since his room was on the second floor! How could any one reach it? He rationalized it away as one his roommates trying to get his attention. “I though someone must have forgotten their keys and wanted to get in,” he said. He went down stairs to see who it was.

He opened the front door to see four Native Americans dancing around the tree in the front yard. Angered by the trespassers, he yelled out to them, “What the hell are you doing?! Do you know what times it is?!” But, they continued to dance, ignoring him. Thinking that they were kids toying around with him, he screamed, “I’m going to call the police if you don’t leave!”

Evan went back inside the house with the front door open and sat on the stairs for a minute. One of them turned to him and stuck out his tongue with a scowl. Evan climbed up the stairs and into his room to grab his phone to follow through with his threat. Evan made the call and smoked a cigarette. He went back down to meet with the police. Evan noticed that the four were gone – They had disappeared. The police arrived and searched the property, but to no avail. Since it was close to Halloween, the police thought that it might have been a prank played by some kids in the neighborhood.

One of the officers noted that she could smell the scent of something having been burnt. She asked if there were something else that he had smoked that might have brought on hallucinations. Evan replied that the only thing he had was a cigarette and that he did not smoke weed nor did he burn anything before calling. Evan recalled that he, too, could smell it. "Incense!", he thought. But it was the strangest thing because that night a storm was rolling in and the wind blew. Any scents would have been swept away.

After telling me this story, Evan assured me that the next time we met, he’d have another story to tell from that same house. He would eventually tell me about a few more.


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