Who is on the line, anyway?

Evan had never believed much in the existence of the paranormal until he moved into the house where he stayed for a few years in the Central district of Seattle. He had several experiences there from dancing Native Americans, to whirlwinds inside his own bedroom. This particular night was no exception.

He was fast asleep when he was woken up by what he said was “…someone jumping on the bed.” He decided that it must have been his imagination, so he fell asleep. He was woken up again with the same, but this time he heard a voice tell him, “You are going to die.” He promptly got out of his bed and turned on the light to his room. Scared he called Jeb.
Evan had never mentioned the experiences to Jeb, fearing that Jeb would think him insane. But, after having had shared experiences at the house, Jeb became the person he could turn to for support.
After Evan finished telling Jeb about the latest episode of activity, Jeb tried his best to calm Evan down. As Evan’s mother had instructed him to do before, Jeb suggested that he read the same passage in the Bible that he did last time
Ten minutes into the phone conversation, Evan grew quiet for almost a minute. But, when “Evan” began to talk again, Jeb noticed that his voice sounded different; it was “dry” and in a lower in tone. It wasn’t Evan on the other end.
“Who are you?”
”It’s me! What the fuck is going on? Is this some sort of joke?”
”I don’t know who you are. Who are you?”
”Quit kidding around, Evan!”
”Who are you? What are you? I don’t even know who you’re talking about… I’m from Africa.”
”Start reading the Bible.”

After another half-minute pause, Jeb heard Evan. “Why did you do that?!”
”Do what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
”You were asking me all these questions.”

Jeb explained what just happened over the phone, and Evan didn’t remember asking any of the questions. It could be a possibility that Evan was “possessed” for a few moments, or whatever it was decided overtake the connection and talk to Jeb.


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