A Seventeen-year-old Girl Goes on Ghost Hunt, Experiences “Amling”

Came across this video posted by +Amy Michelle in "The Paranormal" community in Google+.

Dawn goes on a ghost hunt in Eastern State Penitentiary, the first of its kind in the US, and relates her experiences in the video below.

At about 5:00 in the video, she talks about how a spirit attached to her. What she describes sounds very much like what the Ilocanos of the northern Philippine island of Luzon would call “amling” or “spiritual visitation”. From her description of what happened, she was, in my opinion, “naamlingan” or afflicted by a spirit.

The Ilocanos have a ritual to alleviate the victim. Chanting, praying, burning of, inhaling and a rub-down with certain  tree leaves, seem to be common among the few accounts that I've managed to gather.

A post with information about "amling" will be published in the future.


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