Professional Psychic Spotlight: Toni

I met Toni when I shared a booth with her and another psychic at Northwest Women’s Show at the CenturyLink Event Center (formerly the Qwest Event Center). Ever since then, she and I have kept in contact over the past few years.
Ever since she was a child, Toni has been clairvoyant.  When she was young, she would receive impressions by touching someone or something that they own. For example, when she was about nine-years old, she and her parents were moving out of their apartment in Gardena, CA. At the same time, the new tenants, a husband and wife, were moving in. The man had a treasure chest that he wanted to part with, so he offered it to Toni. When Toni touched the chest as the man was giving it to her, a flurry of images entered her mind. She tried telling the man that he would be dying, but her mother was so embarrassed that she ordered Toni to be quiet and to go inside the car. Sadly her prediction came true - the man died in the apartment within the week.
As she grew older, she was able to pick up impressions without necessarily touching people or their belongings. Now, she receives impressions at almost any time of the day, whether she touches an item or not – For her, it is a common occurrence. She will often see people in something new, be in a new relationship, a new home, a new car or a new career.
Toni has been practicing for over 20 years as a professional reader. Her services include Tarot and oracle card readings, chicken bone readings, water readings, home energy readings and ritual work.

When clients call to arrange for a consultation over the phone, she can sense the energies surrounding them. Issues that they may have been repeatedly thinking about may come through which she puts together into a “movie” in her mind.  Sometimes, the spirits of friends and family come through. So, before meeting, she might already “know” certain facts about the client and what the client wants to look into. When the client arrives, she receives more information not only from the client but from Spirit. And, once again a “movie” starts to play in her mind.
IMG-20110628-00339But, meeting with Toni is like going to a good friend for advice. She sets the mood with her welcoming personality and keeps the conversation light-hearted and lively. If the client were feeling uneasy, upset or uncomfortable before, they would begin to feel much better and lighter as if a weight is lifted off of them. So, expect to have a pleasant time chatting regardless of the subject. Nevertheless, when it comes to more serious concerns, she is very attentive and genuinely listens. The client will come away feeling more at ease and more in control by the end of the reading. Her goal is to help. And, to make the client more comfortable, makes the process all much easier for her and the client.

During the Northwest Women’s show, I witnessed Toni’s expertise and abilities first hand. A woman and a young lady were next in line for Toni’s table. They both sat down, and as soon as the woman started to talk, Toni mentioned that she felt like it was hard to breathe as if she were drowning. Both women started to cry immediately. They were mother and daughter, and they came to make contact with one of the daughters who passed away from drowning. During their session, Toni was able to lighten up their mood and ease their pain. And, as many tears that were shed, there were as many laughs to be had, too. It was so infectious, I was laughing at the table nearby. After they were done, you could see the relief on both mother’s and daughter’s face as they left.
Toni is a firm believer that, for their own benefit, the client should be engaged in the process as much as possible – She’s talking about the client’s life, so they should have more of a part in it. So, after the reading, she may have something for the client to do. Sometimes they are mental exercises that need to be done daily for a few days or longer, or she will give the client a ritual to perform.

Toni's favorite heels.
(She put me up to it.)
The mental exercises vary. They may be visualization of what the client wants to see come into their lives, meditation or chanting of certain phrases, or mantras. These exercises are designed to help the client align their own energy with what they want and to be better connected to Spirit. Clients have reported that after following the exercises, they are pleasantly surprised to find a definite improvement in their lives.

Rituals are another “prescription” that Toni may give to her clients in addition to, or in lieu of, mental exercises. Rituals are set of actions that must be performed in a specific order. Sometimes they involve buying or making certain item. Sometimes they involve saying a phrase while performing an action. Rituals may be very simple as writing on a piece of paper and keeping it on an altar or sacred area of your home or bedroom for a specific period of time. Others may be more elaborate where certain steps must be carried out at a specific date or time and/or in a specific location. If the client has any questions or issues carrying out the instructions or if there is a “tool” that the client needs for the ritual, Toni is always willing to help.

Years ago when I  came to Toni for help, I was looking for a partner in my life. At the time, I was striking out. I kept finding people who were not a good fit for me. Either I wasn’t attracted to them, or when I was attracted, they just didn’t return my affections. Toni gave me a combination of mental exercises and two rituals. The exercises were easy, but some of the items for the rituals were a bit hard to find. I was determined. In the end, I persevered and found all that I needed to complete the rituals. Once I finished the exercises and performed each step of the ritual, I was able to find someone that I fell in love with that was right for me.

Another example of how Toni has helpful was with a client here in the Seattle area. A woman invited Toni to her house for a reading. Toni saw that her client would leave her current well-paying position and become involved in legal proceedings where she would later come into several million dollars. The woman was dumbfounded and at first  dismissed the idea. Six months later, the client called Toni to let her know that everything that Toni saw came true.

Lastly, Toni also provides energy readings for your home. Similar to Feng Shui, she can sense the vibrations in the client’s home.  She will then suggest where furniture should be placed, if there certain items or colors should be added to a room, or if there are items that should be removed. In lieu of visiting your home, the client can submit photos and she can assess what needs to be done from them.

So, if you decide to turn to Toni for some spiritual advice, please, let her know that “Joe” sent you.
Reader Summary and Contact Information
Name: Toni
Experience: 20+ years
Services: Tarot card readings
Oracle card reading
Chicken bone readings
Water readings
Mind exercises
Ritual work
Supplies for ritual work
Home energy readings
Call for more information
Payment: Call for more information
Languages: English
Place for Readings: At the reader’s home
At the client’s home
Agreed meeting place
Parties & Gatherings: YES
At least on month’s  advanced booking
Location: California, US
Travel: YES
Call for more information
Phone: (425) 220-4669
Please leave your name (first ONLY) and number.
Responds w/in 12 hours.
Phone Readings: YES
Additional Notes: N/A


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