Tarot Card Reading: The Business, Part 2

At a party a few months ago, I met up with a fellow diviner.

It all began when we were all sitting at my friends Jason and Peter's dining table. We started talking about what we were doing, or planning on doing with our lives. My fellow diviner, Denise, mentioned a few projects that she had in mind… and she mentioned that she was thinking about taking her Rune reading pro.

At that moment, the old thought came back, "Is this a sign that I should start working on getting a Tarot business up and running?" I had done a lot of research. I, with my former partners, called around for what divinatory services that others offered, how much they charged, etc. But, all that information was just sitting there… somewhere. "Maybe, I should dig it all up?" I asked myself later.

I mentioned to Denise at the party that I knew of a book that dealt with that particular subject. Although Professional Tarot (ISBN: 0-7387-0217-X) by Christine Jette is specific to Tarot card reading, its insights and brilliance would easily apply to Denise's Runes. I have not seen a similar book to date, that relates to the subject and covers it so well.

Denise and I talked a little bit more about her plans and the book before she left that evening.

About 2 months passed and another friend, Jorge, came by to introduce me to another business… I was thinking, "Is this some kind of hint from above?" Once again, it sparked the two-year old ambition of Tarot reading at a professional level.

I knew how to read the cards. I had been reading ever since I "found" the cards way back when I was in middle school. I didn't always read them; I read them on occasion for fun or to help a friend or relative out. I had always picked up a book at the local Barnes and Noble and thumbed through the pages to find more insights into the cards and how to read them. I knew that I had learned much during some of the free readings that I gave when my partners and I were trying out the waters. I had given strangers readings and they were always pleased and grateful for the reading. I knew that I had tact and that I didn't sound "dumb" to the client. But, what I didn't know yet was how it felt to have someone come to me for spiritual advice… and pay for it.

I contacted Denise and we talked about how things were going in general and especially how she was progressing with her business. She was in the process of waiting for the book I mention, but we had a lot more to talk about.

There I was again, doing research making calls to readers in the area and asking about the same information: How much do you charge? How long is your session? Etc. I also sent out emails to readers in the area, stating that I was doing research since I was in the process of starting a similar business. Sadly, I was only able to get any relevant information from two out of the 10 that I called or emailed in the Seattle area.

According to Christine Jette, when you ask around for help and advice from other readers in the area, tell them the truth. If they help you, then the least you can do to say thanks is to keep them on a list of referrals. To both of those who were kind enough to help me, I pledged to refer a potential customer to them if they wanted a reading that I could not provide. For example, if a client came to me asking about astrology, I would give her information about local astrologers. As a way of saying thanks, I hope that anyone who reads this and is interested in a reading contact Psychic Eyes and Music and Christopher's Lamp in the Seattle area. Tell them that you read about them on my blog.

Thank you ladies! I love the both of you for helping me with the information that I was looking for. Thank you again!

For those who never replied or cut the message that I was leaving on their answering machine, I won't mention them. I don't want such energy associated with my business. And, so regarding them, I'm done.

Now, I do want to especially thank, the owner of Psychic Eyes and Music, Maria. She passed on to me information about an event at a local casino. (I do wish I could mention which casino, but I just don't want to get in trouble with them.) The event paid rather well and they were interviewing. I immediately let Denise know and for the several days before the interview we practiced on each other and with friends. During the interview, Denise and I were interviewed together, but by two ladies. Long story short, Denise and I will be at the event! Thank you, Maria!

The interview marked a beginning for me and for Denis. We both felt, acknowledged as metaphysical professionals. We will be included in their directory of professionals should the casino have a future event with a similar theme.

That'll be all for now. To all my readers, LOVE, LIGHT and LUCK.

-- Eutyches

(c) 2012 Joseph S. Maza


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