A Final Goodbye

For years Albert rented a house where he never felt anything out of the ordinary. One night became the exception when he found out that an old friend made a few attempts to bid farewell.

After coming home from work one summer Friday evening, Albert glimpsed at a black figure walking across the doorway opposite him. Oddly enough, he did not feel threatened. “There seemed to be some familiarity about it,” he said. He eventually convinced himself that it was because of the long day at work and that hunger induced this “hallucination”, as he put it, since it was several hours since he had lunch.

The following night, Saturday, Albert entered the living room. This time, however, we was horrified to see the figure of a what looked like a man again. It was possibly the same that had visited him the night before, this time sitting in his recliner as if it waiting for him. While he watched, the figure stood up in front of the recliner and vanished.

The following Sunday, Albert received a call from his sister in Mexico. She wanted to tell him that his close friend Alonzo had met his fate suddenly in a car accident the previous Friday.

It all made sense!

The dark figure always felt familiar – It was Alonzo. Alonzo was trying to say his final “goodbye” and lingered before leaving this earthly realm.

Albert saw the figure one last time. But, instead of watching in horror, Albert talked to Alonzo one last time.

“I know it’s you, my dearest friend. My sister told me that you passed away. I’m sorry that I could not be there to say ‘goodbye’. Please, go and rest in peace.”

Since that night, Albert had no further experiences with the spirit of Alonzo, or did he experience other paranormal activity in his home. Alonzo’s spirit now rests in peace.


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