Pat Robertson –“I would burn the house down and move on”

Pat Robertson, the host (and spiritual leader) of the 700 Club, is noted from the many things that he has said on his show about non-Christians as “termites” and about Islam, Hinduism, feminism, abortion and homosexuality. But, his suggestion to a viewer’s pleas for help on how to deal with a haunting in her home is relevant for a post.

“…I would burn the house down and move on…”

In the show’s online Q&A segment, a woman tells Pat of the goings-on in her home: voices, electronics turning off and on on their own, psi phenomenon and apparitions. She asks what to do. Pat laughs and suggests to burn the house down! Pat continues on stating his disbelief in spirits of people who have past and that the Bible does not support such, but he asserts the existence of disembodied spirits such as demons and angels. He goes on to assess that the home owner has demons, instead.

Oh, silly Pat! We don’t have a diamond mine so we can build another house. In the documentary, Mission Congo, it is claimed that the money for “Operation Blessing” was just a front to mine diamonds in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Huffington Post: Pat Robertson Documentary 'Mission Congo' Reignites Diamond Mine Fraud Allegations)

I guess when I rebuild after burning my house down, it should have lots of bling.

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